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Herooj Seawater Energy Hydrogel-Epic Orange



Energy hydrogel with seawater orange flavor.
Energy hydrogel based on seawater, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. With 35g of carbohydrates per serving, vitamin B6, magnesium, sodium, potassium and zinc.

La composició de l'hidrogel combinada amb l'aigua de mar (té l'espectre més ampli de minerals i electròlits) fan que els gels energètics Herooj siguin els millors aliats de l'esportista de resistència: no només proporcionen un alt nivell d'energia sostingut, sinó que també són més fàcils de prendre (no necessita beure qualsevol altre líquid) i sentir-se millor de principi a fi.

Each Herooj hydrogel provides 35g of a specific mixture of 5 carbohydrates with different glycemic indexes (dextrose, maltodextrin, isomaltose, fructose and isomaltulose) that provide a stable performance curve without peaks or energetic valleys for a longer time. This combination of carbohydrates, with a 2:1 glucose to fructose ratio feels better (avoiding digestive discomfort) as it is perfectly balanced according to the physiological needs of athletes, which guarantees less discomfort and higher performance naturally.

In addition, each hydrogel contains 56mg magnesium, 164mg sodium and 24mg potassium per unit. Sodium and potassium are two essential electrolytes that are important to endurance athletes because they play critical roles in regulating fluid balance, muscle contraction, and nerve function. With these amounts of minerals and electrolytes from seawater, Herooj hydrogels reduce the need to ingest salt pills in endurance athletes as well as help reduce tiredness and fatigue with the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6.

Quantitat: 60g / 50ml

Sense gluten | Lliure de dopatge


Energy hydrogel with seawater orange flavor.
Energy hydrogel based on seawater, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and electrolytes. With 35g of carbohydrates per serving, vitamin B6, magnesium, sodium, potassium and zinc.

La composició de l'hidrogel combinada amb l'aigua de mar (té l'espectre més ampli de minerals i electròlits) fan que els gels energètics Herooj siguin els millors aliats de l'esportista de resistència: no només proporcionen un alt nivell d'energia sostingut, sinó que també són més fàcils de prendre (no necessita beure qualsevol altre líquid) i sentir-se millor de principi a fi.

Each Herooj hydrogel provides 35g of a specific mixture of 5 carbohydrates with different glycemic indexes (dextrose, maltodextrin, isomaltose, fructose and isomaltulose) that provide a stable performance curve without peaks or energetic valleys for a longer time. This combination of carbohydrates, with a 2:1 glucose to fructose ratio feels better (avoiding digestive discomfort) as it is perfectly balanced according to the physiological needs of athletes, which guarantees less discomfort and higher performance naturally.

In addition, each hydrogel contains 56mg magnesium, 164mg sodium and 24mg potassium per unit. Sodium and potassium are two essential electrolytes that are important to endurance athletes because they play critical roles in regulating fluid balance, muscle contraction, and nerve function. With these amounts of minerals and electrolytes from seawater, Herooj hydrogels reduce the need to ingest salt pills in endurance athletes as well as help reduce tiredness and fatigue with the combination of magnesium and vitamin B6.

Quantitat: 60g / 50ml

Sense gluten | Lliure de dopatge

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