Aquest lloc web utilitza galetes per tal de proporcionar-vos la millor experiència d’usuari possible. La informació de les galetes s’emmagatzema al navegador i realitza funcions com ara reconèixer-vos quan torneu a la pàgina web i ajuda a l'equip a comprendre quines seccions del lloc web us semblen més interessants i útils.
Campagnolo Shamal C21 2WF Disc TLR Road Wheelset
€ 1.354,00
€ 974,74
Fulcrum Wind 40 DB Carbon Road Wheelset
€ 1.126,00
€ 999,00
DT Swiss ERC 1600 45 Shimano Wheelset
€ 1.489,00
Microtech RE38 Carbon Road Wheelset
€ 1.660,00 € 829,83
Campagnolo Hyperon Wheelset DB 2WF HG11 (Shim)
€ 2.590,00 € 1.999,00
DT Swiss ARC 1100 Dicut Disc Wheelset
€ 2.499,00
Roda posterior Zipp 353 NSW
€ 2.110,00
Veure més productes
Upgrading your wheels is the best way to improve your road bike. The wheels on your road bike completely change the comfort, performance and speed of your bike. Lighter carbon wheels (because the rotating mass is lighter) will improve your bike even more than a lighter frame.
Carbon wheels with profile are a new trend in cycling. As well as looking good, there are some aerodynamic performance benefits.
At Eat Sleep Cycle we sell carbon road wheels from DT Swiss, Zipp, Scope, Campagnolo, Shimano and more.